Wooden toothpicks with custom print 50000ks

Wooden toothpicks with custom print 50000ks
  • Wooden toothpicks with custom print 50000ks
  • Wooden toothpicks with custom print 50000ks

Advertising wooden toothpicks with custom printing. Packed in 1 piece. Printing 1 colour on paper packaging. Min. quantity 50000pcs. More information

 3 - 4 týdny
24,563.00 including VAT
21 %
Catalog Number:

Advertising wooden toothpicks with custom printing

Wooden toothpicks, individually wrapped in paper packaging with custom printing. Promotional wooden toothpicks are a unique way to convey your advertising message. They are visually attractive and attract attention.

Brighten up your corporate event or restaurant with your own custom imprint on individually wrapped wooden toothpicks. Each of your toothpicks becomes a unique piece with printed paper wrapping that will attract attention and give your business a memorable flair. Stop being mediocre and reach your customers with custom printed wooden toothpicks!

A printed toothpick with your logo, contacts or other visual elements supports your branding. It helps customers associate you with quality products and a professional attitude.

Promotional wooden toothpicks are a handy accessory for removing stuck food in the interdental spaces after eating in restaurants and other gastro establishments. At banquets, weddings, corporate parties or even training sessions and other company events with refreshments, toothpicks are an important part of the treat.

Use promotional wooden toothpicks as a promotional material at public events, trade fairs or other social events, where they serve perfectly as a practical and attractive little accessory to the food.

Wooden toothpicks are made from natural and renewable material. Individually wrapped toothpicks are hygienic, each client unwraps it themselves. Before using the toothpick itself, however, everyone will be impressed by your company imprint on the toothpick packaging. You have the opportunity to create wooden toothpicks exactly to your liking, allowing you and your brand to create a unique and practical promotional product.



Packed in 1 piece


Advertising print:

Printing 1 colour on paper cover


The minimum purchase is from 50000 pieces.


Amount in package: 50000pcs

Print: 1 colour, included in the price

Amount in package: 50000pcs

Print: 1 colour, included in the price

Wooden toothpicks with custom print 50000ks
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