Wooden & Bamboo pens

Bestsellers in category Wooden & Bamboo pens

Items on page 9 | 15 | 21
wooden pen set More information wooden pen set Natural colour wooden pen set with ballpoint pen and roller pen in gift box. With blue refill. from 333
ballpoint pen More information ballpoint pen Elegant, black metal twist ballpoint pen with bamboo barrel and black parts. In bamboo tube case with black cap. With blue refill. from 172
ballpoint pen More information ballpoint pen Elegant, metal twist ballpoint pen with bamboo barrel and shiny chrome parts. In bamboo tube case with chrome cap. With blue refill. from 172
multifunctional pen More information multifunctional pen Multifunctional, twist ballpoint and touch pen in bamboo. With double ended screwdriver bit, spirit level and 7 cm ruler. With blue refill. from 137
Bontol ballpoint pen More information Bontol ballpoint pen Wooden ballpoint pen with blue refill. from 84
reception pen More information reception pen Bamboo reception desk ballpoint pen with self-adhesive stand. The pen is attached to the stand with cotton cord. With blue refill. from 83
notebook More information notebook Bamboo covered spiral notebook with 70 lined sheets. Including bamboo ballpoint pen with blue refill. from 65
Loev touch ballpoint pen More information Loev touch ballpoint pen Bamboo touch ballpoint pen with metal parts, transparent barrel and inside crystals. With blue refill. 46
bamboo pen set More information bamboo pen set Bamboo pen set with touch ballpoint pen and mechanical pencil, in gift box. With blue refill and 0,7 mm leads. from 45
inkless pen with ruler More information inkless pen with ruler Bamboo long-lasting inkless pen with touch stylus and metal alloy tip, which oxidizes the paper. With hexagonal barrel including 11 cm and 4 inch rulers. This pen writes similarly to a pencil, and it is also erasable. from 33
Pastelloo ballpoint pen More information
Pastelloo ballpoint pen Recycled aluminium ballpoint pen with bamboo parts, rubberized finish and chrome clip. With special coating for mirror laser engraving. With blue refill. from 33
bamboo ballpoint pen More information
bamboo ballpoint pen Bamboo ballpoint pen with ecological wheat straw plastic parts and metal clip. With blue refill. from 31
wooden ballpoint pen, rabbit More information
wooden ballpoint pen, rabbit Wooden ballpoint pen with coloured barrel and animal figure. With blue refill. from 30
cartoon pen, Snowman More information
cartoon pen, Snowman Wooden, cartoon ballpoint pen with Christmas figure on the top. With blue refill. from 30
Blush roller pen More information
Blush roller pen Bamboo and recycled aluminium roller pen with rubberized cap and rose gold details. With special coating for mirror laser engraving in rose gold colour. With blue refill. from 30
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