Thank you box with all kind of nuts

Thank you box with all kind of nuts
  • Thank you box with all kind of nuts
  • Thank you box with all kind of nuts
  • Thank you box with all kind of nuts
  • Thank you box with all kind of nuts

All-over printed box with nuts filling. Choice of filling: peanuts, almonds, pistachios and other nuts More information

  3 týdny
31,457.58 including VAT
21 %
Catalog Number:

High quality cardboard box with full design print

The contents of the box can be modified to suit the customer's requirements.

Ideal as a thank you gift for a business or appointment. The contents of the box can be modified to suit individual requirements. Nuts etc. are packed in a bag with a personalised label that can include any design. Small promotional items such as pens, lanyards or key rings can be added to the box. Sweets, lollipops or even chocolates can also be included in the promotional box. It all depends on the imagination and the needs of the customer. The size of the corporate gift box can also be customised to suit the customer's needs as much as possible. 

High quality cardboard box with full print in design

The contents of the box can be modified according to the customer's wishes.

Product details:

  • Smoked almonds and jumbo unsalted peanuts in a box
  • 1 x smoked almonds 50 g, 1 x jumbo unsalted peanuts 50g
Minimum order

300 pcs

Use by 12 months if stored correctly
Printing information

 2 x Sticker with full-colour graphic for bags
Graphics for the box and stickers are made and provided by the customer, can be arranged at extra cost

Box size

230 x 130 x 30 mm

Box material

painted E wool

Date of expiration 12 months
Price includes Full colour double sided CMYK printing and content of the thank you box.
Delivery time aprox. 3 weeks.


Minimum order quantity is 300 pcs.


Amount in package: 300pcs

Print: 1 colour, 2 colours, 3 colours, full colour

Amount in package: 300pcs

Print: 1 colour, 2 colours, 3 colours, full colour

Thank you box with all kind of nuts Thank you box with all kind of nuts Thank you box with all kind of nuts
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