Tea in bag with printing 500ks

Tea in bag with printing 500ks
  • Tea in bag with printing 500ks
  • Tea in bag with printing 500ks

Quality black tea in a paper bag with custom digital printing More information

 14 dnů
9,911.11 including VAT
21 %
Catalog Number:

Promotional tea in a printed bag. It is a quality black tea, which is packed in 1 piece in a paper wrapper. The packaging directly invites for original advertising printing. Everyday drinking of tea and coffee has a long tradition in our country. Portioned promotional teas are therefore a great advertising medium. We will print your paper tea bag with top-quality digital printing. In addition to black tea, we can also provide you with other common types of tea for an additional charge.


Practical small tea packs with corporate printing are suitable for travel, holidays and work. Printed promotional teas are a little treat that will make both your customers and employees happy. Black tea with a printed bag is a delicious drink for corporate visits. The promotional print on the tea packaging will not go unnoticed. Promotional drinks, help build brand and increase interest in the company. They are a great corporate accessory to create your corporate style in front of the eyes of business partners and clients.

Black tea with an original print is a small yet very effective advertisement. Promotional teas are suitable as a small treat or a great treat at trainings, meetings, business meetings and other similar corporate and promotional events. 
Order promotional teas online in the shop, or send an enquiry/question about other possible variants of promotional teas or printing...We are fully at your disposal.


Packed in 1 piece
Bag size 75 x 65 mm 
Type of tea: black.
Tea size.

Other flavours available:

Digital printing of the bag


Minimum order is 500 pcs.


Amount in package: 500pcs, 1000pcs, 2000pcs

Print: full colour, included in the price

Type of tea: Black

Amount in package: 500pcs, 1000pcs, 2000pcs

Print: full colour, included in the price

Type of tea: Black

Tea in bag with printing 500ks
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