Smart watches

Bestsellers in category Smart watches

smart watch 2. smart watch from 605
smart watch 3. smart watch from 526
smart watch 4. smart watch from 2,200
smart watch More information smart watch Multifunctional bluetooth smart watch in metal housing with 1,69" LCD touch screen, 180 mAh rechargeable battery and TPU strap. It has several health monitoring and smart features, such as heart rate, blood pressure and oxygen monitor, bluetooth calls, weather forecast, and sleep monitor besides many others. Can be connected to smartphones with a free app available for iOS and Android. Including magnetic wireless charger with USB cable. from 2,200
smart watch More information smart watch Multifunctional bluetooth smart watch in metal housing with 1,85" TFT touch screen, 180 mAh rechargeable battery and silicone strap. It has several health monitoring and smart features, such as heart rate, blood pressure and oxygen monitor besides many others. Can be connected to smartphones with a free app available for iOS and Android. Including magnetic USB charger cable. from 791
smart watch More information smart watch Multifunctional bluetooth smart watch in metal housing with 1,44" TFT touch screen, 150 mAh rechargeable battery and silicone strap. It has several health monitoring and smart features, such as heart rate, blood pressure and oxygen monitor besides many others. Can be connected to smartphones with a free app available for iOS and Android. Including USB charger cable. IP65 water resistant. from 619
smart watch More information
smart watch Multilingual, bluetooth smart watch with heart rate and blood pressure monitor, 1,3" TFT screen and TPU strap. from 605
smart watch More information smart watch Multifunctional bluetooth smart watch in ABS plastic housing with 1,44" TFT screen, 180 mAh rechargeable battery and TPU strap. It has several health monitoring and smart features, such as heart rate, blood pressure and oxygen monitor besides many others. Can be connected to smartphones with a free app available for iOS and Android. IP65 water resistant. from 536
smart watch More information
smart watch Multilingual, bluetooth smart watch with 0,96" TFT screen and TPU strap. With heart rate, blood pressure and blood oxygen monitor functions. Including USB charger cable. from 526
thermometer smart watch More information thermometer smart watch Multilingual, bluetooth smart watch with thermometer and heart rate monitor, 0,96" TFT screen and TPU strap. With USB charger cable. from 468
Outback smart watch More information  není skladem Outback smart watch Multifunctional bluetooth smart watch in metal housing with 2,01" TFT touch screen, 210 mAh rechargeable battery and silicone strap. It has several health monitoring and smart features, such as heart rate, blood pressure and oxygen monitor besides many others. Can be connected to smartphones with a free app available for iOS and Android. Including magnetic USB charger cable. IP65 water resistant.
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