Ritter Sport chocolate with wrapper 1008ks

Ritter Sport chocolate with wrapper 1008ks
  • Ritter Sport chocolate with wrapper 1008ks
  • Ritter Sport chocolate with wrapper 1008ks
  • Ritter Sport chocolate with wrapper 1008ks
  • Ritter Sport chocolate with wrapper 1008ks
  • Ritter Sport chocolate with wrapper 1008ks

Promotional chocolate Ritter Sport 16,67g. Mix of flavours. Custom printed wrapper. Quantity discounts. More information

 14 dnů
33,980.43 including VAT
21 %
Catalog Number:

Branded Ritter Sport chocolate - these are small chocolate squares weighing 16,67g. In our pack you will find a mix of flavours. Each chocolate has a paper sleeve on which the company imprint stands out beautifully. Impress and appeal to your customers and clients with your favourite Ritter Sport chocolate!)


The well-known Ritter Sport chocolate is a delight for everyone. It will satisfy your taste buds and give you energy. It's a little treat that makes you very happy. With Riiter Sport chocolate you will delight at the reception as well as at training sessions, presentations and other corporate events. It also serves perfectly as a small gift for customers in the shop, wellness services, etc. At competitions and other children's events you can give out chocolates as a small sweet reward.

Promotional chocolates are a very popular gift. If you want to make sure you are giving the gift of delicious, tasty chocolate, then be sure to choose the Ritter Sport brand. Plus, with promotional printing, you will attract the attention of your customers and clients. You can have your company logo, QR code or other contact information or advertising message placed on the paper wrapper of the small chocolates. It is up to you, your company needs and creativity how you use the advertising space.

Order Ritter Sport chocolates with your own wrapping and no one will forget you!

Product details:

Flavours Mix of flavours
Printing information Custom idigital mprint on paper sleeve

16,67 g

Minimum order

504 pcs

Expiry date 12 month,



Minimum order quantity is 504 pieces.



Amount in package: 504pcs, 1008pcs

Print: full colour, included in the price

Type of chocolates: mix

Brand of chocolate: Ritter Sport

Amount in package: 504pcs, 1008pcs

Print: full colour, included in the price

Type of chocolates: mix

Brand of chocolate: Ritter Sport

Ritter Sport chocolate with wrapper 1008ks Ritter Sport chocolate with wrapper 1008ks Ritter Sport chocolate with wrapper 1008ks Ritter Sport chocolate with wrapper 1008ks
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