Natural chips 8 g 1500ks banánové

Natural chips 8 g 1500ks banánové
  • Natural chips 8 g 1500ks banánové
  • Natural chips 8 g 1500ks banánové

All-natural crisps are carefully sourced from the highest quality ingredients. Coconut or banana chips. Flexo printing 1 colour. More information

 4 týdny
34,278.09 including VAT
21 %
Catalog Number:

Our all-natural crisps are carefully sourced from the highest quality ingredients to ensure every bite is bursting with flavour and crispness. We believe in providing a guilt-free snacking experience, which is why our crisps are cooked to perfection using healthier cooking methods such as baking or air frying to reduce excess oil content while maintaining their delicious taste.

Whether you're hosting a corporate event, attending a trade show or simply looking to impress your guests at a private gathering, our all-natural printed crisps will raise your snacking game. They act as delicious conversation starters, engage your audience with their unique designs and leave a lasting impression of your brand or message.


At we prioritise customer satisfaction and convenience. With just a few clicks, you can customise your chip selection, upload your artwork and place an order that meets your needs. Our team of experts will ensure that your promotional artwork is perfectly applied to each chip, guaranteeing a stunning and visually appealing end result.

So why settle for ordinary crisps when you can elevate your snacking experience with our all-natural, customisable options? Explore our e-shop today and let our all-natural printed crisps make an unforgettable impression on your guests, customers or loved ones.


Product details:

Content salty pretzels and rice crackers and peanuts in a crispy shell and roasted chickpeas (75 g in total)
Additional information white paper by default, kraft paper optional, molding made of R-PET (recycled PET)
Product option white or kraft paper, two-sided printing
Dimensions 190 x 190 x 31 mm
Minimum order

100 pcs

Weight 75 g
Expiry date 6 months
Included in price Foil colour white or transparent, 100% recyclable monofoil
Printing technology Printing technology: Flexo printing , 1c



Minimum purchase is 100 pieces.




Amount in package: 1500pcs, 3000pcs

Print: 1 colour, included in the price

Type of chips: Banana, Coconut

Amount in package: 1500pcs, 3000pcs

Print: 1 colour, included in the price

Type of chips: Banana, Coconut

Natural chips 8 g 1500ks banánové
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