Gingerbread house

Gingerbread house

Magical house with gingerbread hearts or stars. With custom printing. Min. quantity 100pcs. Quantity discounts. More information

  3 týdny
21,513.80 including VAT
21 %
Catalog Number:

Christmas gingerbread house with custom printing

Delicious gingerbread cookies hidden in a cool house. The standard shape is gingerbread hearts. Mini stars are available at an extra cost. Christmas gingerbread in a paper house is supplied with a one-sided digital print. Total weight 150g/ 190g. The popular honey gingerbread is not to be missed in any family at Christmas. Christmas gingerbread is a tasty promotional confection. The attractive promotional gingerbread house is an ideal gift for your colleagues, business partners, suppliers and clients.

Christmas gingerbread is a sought-after sweet during the Christmas season. Gingerbread simply belongs to Christmas. Presented in an interesting little house with a company imprint, they make an attractive gift as well as a promotional item.  With gingerbread in a nice wrapper you will delight all the recipients. 

Prepare tasty gingerbread hearts or stars! Placed in a stylish house with custom printing, they are an unmissable Christmas gift suitable for your employees, business partners and customers. Everyone will be happy to display a beautiful gingerbread house at work or at home. Without a doubt, promotional printing sticks in everyone's minds easily, which successfully helps to build branding and the overall flourishing of the company.

Product details

Weight 150 g
Additional information 150 g gingerbread hearts, 190 g stars
Mini stars at extra cost
Includes gingerbread hearts
Minimum order 100 pcs
Dimensions 90 x 57 x 190 mm
Advertising print

Single-sided digital print (CMYK/ 0)

Minimum order is 100 pieces.



Amount in package: 100pcs, 200pcs, 300pcs

Print: full colour, included in the price

Amount in package: 100pcs, 200pcs, 300pcs

Print: full colour, included in the price

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