Gift tea Pyramid 300ks černý

Gift tea Pyramid 300ks černý
  • Gift tea Pyramid 300ks černý
  • Gift tea Pyramid 300ks černý

Quality black, green or fruit tea - 10 bags in a pyramid with printing. Dimensions 120 x 120 x 100 mm. High-quality advertising printing of the box. More information

 14 dnů
34,151.04 including VAT
21 %
Catalog Number:

Quality black/green/fruit gift tea in a paper pyramid with custom printing. The box contains 10 pyramid teas. The pyramid packaging directly invites original advertising printing. Daily tea drinking is a tradition in our country. Quality portioned teas in attractive packaging are therefore a great promotional gift. We can print the paper pyramid with your own graphics using high-end digital printing. The tea sign is without custom printing.

Attractive tea packaging with corporate imprinting is a suitable gift for business partners. With gift tea you will make your customers and clients as well as your employees happy. Promotional beverages and gift teas in eye-catching packaging help build brand and increase interest in the company. They are a great giveaway item with which you create your corporate style in front of the eyes of business partners and clients.

A gift tea with an original pyramid print is a small yet very effective advertisement. Promotional teas are suitable as a gift and a thank you for previous cooperation and motivation for employees to further work activities.
Order promotional teas online in the eshop, or send an inquiry/request for other possible variants of promotional gift teas or printing. We are fully at your disposal.


Includes 10 pyramid teas
Size 120 x 120 x 100 mm
Type of tea: black, green or fruit 
Weight of 1 piece of tea 1,5 g

Promotional printing:

CMYK digital printing on the box 
Without printing of the tea label

Minimum order quantity is 200 pcs.


Amount in package: 200pcs, 300pcs

Print: full colour, included in the price

Type of tea: Black, Green, Fruity

Amount in package: 200pcs, 300pcs

Print: full colour, included in the price

Type of tea: Black, Green, Fruity

Gift tea Pyramid 300ks černý
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