Gastroplanes 1000 pcs 300ks

Gastroplanes 1000 pcs 300ks
  • Gastroplanes 1000 pcs 300ks
  • Gastroplanes 1000 pcs 300ks
  • Gastroplanes 1000 pcs 300ks

Promotional gastroplanes with full-colour printing. On toothpick/spike. Flag size 30x20mm More information

 14 dnů
4,826.69 including VAT
21 %
Catalog Number:

Gastroplanes are small paper flags with their own full-colour printing. The advertising flag is placed on a toothpick or, for an additional charge, on a skewer with a tip. Gastrovlaječky will serve you well at various company presentations and seminars with refreshments, celebrations, banquets, etc. Whatever your business, hotel or restaurant, don't forget to set up promotional gastrovlaches to serve appetizers, sweets and other dishes. This will ensure that your corporate advertising is unmissable and unforgettable. We can print your logo, phrase, anniversary year, or other graphics on the catering tray according to your needs and wishes.

A toothpick with a gastrovlayer provides:

1. unmissable corporate advertising
2. easy skewering of single-serving snacks
3. removal of stuck food in the interdental spaces

Prepare cute and eye-catching advertising for your hotel and restaurant guests. Prepare an irresistible buffet with promotional gastroplanes for corporate clients and potential customers. You can stick a toothpick with a gastrovlayer into cold cuts, cheese, fruit, savoury snacks or sweet mini desserts. Decorate cold bowls with company gastrovagettes. Enhance ice-cream sundaes or cocktails with an original gastroplate. A gastroplate stuck in your ready meals and mince pies will also delight and enhance the enjoyment of the meal.


Toothpick length 75 mm
Option of 95 mm or skewers 15, 20 cm at extra cost
Flag size 30 x 20 mm


Advertising print:

Full colour printing



The minimum order is from 1000 pieces.


Amount in package: 300pcs, 500pcs, 1000pcs, 2000pcs

Print: full colour, included in the price

Amount in package: 300pcs, 500pcs, 1000pcs, 2000pcs

Print: full colour, included in the price

Gastroplanes 1000 pcs 300ks Gastroplanes 1000 pcs 300ks
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