Energy drink in a can 250ml 480ks

Energy drink in a can 250ml 480ks
  • Energy drink in a can 250ml 480ks
  • Energy drink in a can 250ml 480ks
  • Energy drink in a can 250ml 480ks
  • Energy drink in a can 250ml 480ks
  • Energy drink in a can 250ml 480ks
  • Energy drink in a can 250ml 480ks

Promotional energy drink with custom all-over printing. 5 flavours. Volume 250ml. Quantity discounts. Min. quantity 500 pcs. More information

 14 - 20 dnů
33,582.34 including VAT
21 %
Catalog Number:

Energy drink with your logo and design

Energy with your own logo and design - this is attention that will delight and energise you and your colleagues.
Your customers will also appreciate a little attention in the form of a quality and tasty promotional energy drink. Your logo and design on the can will remind your customers of your quality service and the positive emotions they experienced.

Energy drinks are very popular around the world and have a wide and growing consumer base. 

Looking for a quick and easy way to boost your energy and alertness?  Are you tired and sleepy? Energy drinks contain substances such as caffeine, taurine and B vitamins to give you this effect.

Promotional energy drinks are available in 5 flavours, allowing you to choose a drink that matches your personal preferences and needs.

In today's hectic world, many people are trying to maximize their productivity and performance. Energy drinks can help you achieve these goals!

  • Energy drink improves concentration: caffeine improves concentration and focus, which is helpful when working long hours or studying.
  • Energy drink improves performance: Some athletes and physically demanding workers use energy drinks to boost performance during training or work.

Recharge your team with the right energy. Every meeting or company gathering gets a boost of energy. There is a promotional energy drink with your logo and design for every occasion!
The promotional energy drink comes with a full-color imprint of the entire can. We can also help with graphics.
Fast delivery times, quality service.


Volume 250ml
Available flavours: Classic, Cola, Cola Lemon, Cola Cherry, Cola Young Coconut
A sterile aluminium cap is included over the top of the can - available in black or silver with no print.
Matt or gloss varnished label
Soft touch label with 3D varnish
Shelf life 24 months

Advertising print:

full colour digital printing

The minimum subscription is 500 pcs.


Amount in package: 480pcs, 1080pcs, 2040pcs

Print: full colour, included in the price

Flavor: Classic

Volume: 250ml

Amount in package: 480pcs, 1080pcs, 2040pcs

Print: full colour, included in the price

Flavor: Classic

Volume: 250ml

Energy drink in a can 250ml 480ks Energy drink in a can 250ml 480ks Energy drink in a can 250ml 480ks Energy drink in a can 250ml 480ks Energy drink in a can 250ml 480ks
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