Cleaning clothes

Bestsellers in category Cleaning clothes

custom glasses cloth More information custom glasses cloth Custom made, microfibre (180 g/m²) cleaning cloth for glasses in polyester pouch with velcro closure and key ring. With all over sublimation printed graphics. MOQ: 100 pcs. from 122
glasses cloth More information glasses cloth Microfibre (180 g/m²) cleaning cloth for glasses. Produced in unique shape with sublimation printed design. MOQ: 100 pcs. from 62
postcard glasses cloth More information postcard glasses cloth Custom made kraft paper postcard with custom graphic on both sides. Including a sublimation printed 100% RPET microfibre (170 g/m²) cleaning cloth for glasses. MOQ: 100 pcs. from 56
postcard glasses cloth More information postcard glasses cloth Custom made paper postcard with custom graphic on both sides. Including a sublimation printed microfibre (180 g/m²) cleaning cloth for glasses. MOQ: 100 pcs. from 52
CreaClean RPET custom glasses cloth, house More information CreaClean RPET custom glasses cloth, house Custom made RPET microfibre (170 g/m²) cleaning cloth for glasses and screens. Produced in unique shape with sublimation printed design. MOQ: 100 pcs. from 48
glasses cloth More information
glasses cloth Microfibre cleaning cloth for glasses, in soft plastic pouch with keyring. Size of the cloth: 130×180 mm. from 44
reading glasses More information reading glasses Plastic reading glasses with +1,5 dioptre lenses. In soft shell carry pouch. from 38
glasses cloth More information glasses cloth Extra-thick microfibre (400 g/m²) cleaning cloth for glasses and screens. Ideal for sublimation printing. from 25
glasses cloth More information glasses cloth Microfibre, 230 g/m², cleaning cloth for glasses, in PVC case. Size of the cloth: 150×150 mm. from 18
RPET cleaning cloth More information RPET cleaning cloth Large sized, 100% RPET microfibre (170 g/m²) cleaning cloth for glasses and screens. Ideal for sublimation printing. from 8
cleaning cloth More information cleaning cloth Large sized microfibre (180 g/m²) cleaning cloth for glasses and screens. Ideal for sublimation printing. from 8
RPET cleaning cloth More information RPET cleaning cloth 100% RPET microfibre (170 g/m²) cleaning cloth for glasses and screens. Ideal for sublimation printing. from 8
cleaning cloth More information cleaning cloth Microfibre (180 g/m²) cleaning cloth for glasses and screens. Ideal for sublimation printing. from 6
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