Chocolate with print, square 15g 1000ks

Chocolate with print, square 15g 1000ks

White Belgian chocolate with printing directly on the chocolate. Square 15g, size 39x39x9mm. Quantity discounts . More information

 3 - 4 týdny
36,844.50 including VAT
21 %
Catalog Number:

Belgian white chocolate square, wrapped in transparent foil. Quality Belgian chocolate with printing that your company must not miss for perfect presentation and brand building. The colourfully printed square made of delicious chocolate attracts attention and increases interest in your company. It is a small but effective form of advertising.

An original chocolate square is a small gift that will delight all those you gift. A chocolate bar should not be missed at the reception as a little treat for the incoming guests. It is an ideal addition to coffee or tea during business meetings, but also a small item to delight employees during training sessions and meetings. A small square of white chocolate printed with the company logo or slogan is an eye-catching promotional sweet. The chocolate square will be gladly accepted by all your customers and clients.

Printed chocolate is a popular sweet. It is suitable for gifting at various corporate and social events. It will serve you wonderfully as a small gift for children and adults. Company parties, promotions and other social events cannot do without quality Belgian chocolate. 

In patisseries, cafes and restaurants, using printed chocolate is a smart way to attract new customers and make them regulars to your establishment. Printed chocolate squares enhance the value of the hot beverage served and the overall impression of the gastro service provided.


Size 39 x 39 x 9 mm
Weight: 15 g
Packaging: transparent foil
Shelf life: min. 12 months
Type: Belgian white chocolate

Promotional printing:

Printing 1 position:
- colourful
- Maximum printing area: 20x30 mm
- printing technique: UV printing CMYK


Minimum order is 1000 pieces.



Amount in package: 1000pcs, 2000pcs

Print: full colour, included in the price

Type of chocolates: white

Shape: square

Amount in package: 1000pcs, 2000pcs

Print: full colour, included in the price

Type of chocolates: white

Shape: square

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