Beer coasters with custom printing 1/1 , 2/0 200ks

Beer coasters with custom printing 1/1 , 2/0 200ks
  • Beer coasters with custom printing 1/1 , 2/0 200ks
  • Beer coasters with custom printing 1/1 , 2/0 200ks
  • Beer coasters with custom printing 1/1 , 2/0 200ks

Beer coasters in square, circle and other shapes. Advertising printing front and back side with 1 colour or front side with 2 colours More information

 14 dnů
4,329.38 including VAT
21 %
Catalog Number:

Beer coasters with custom printing (front and back in 1 colour or front in 2 colours) 

Custom printed beer coasters are a useful promotional item for restaurants, bars, pubs, pubs and outdoor refreshment areas. Beer coasters are an essential part of any restaurant table. Customers are used to using coasters under beer, as well as sodas and other drinks. Beer coasters in a stand, together with a menu and a small flower, are already a common fixture on restaurant tables. Practical promotional beer coasters allow you to differentiate yourself from the competition and build a unique corporate identity.


Quality beer coasters can be purchased from us in the shape of a square or a circle. We can also supply atypical shapes for an additional charge. The surface area of beer coasters is ideal for advertising printing with your company logo, slogan or other advertising message. Custom printed beer coasters are a great opportunity to promote your business in a simple way. It is a highly visible and impressive advertisement to your customers. 


Material: white seven-layer cardboard, thickness 1,6 mm, weight 660 g/m2.
Shape: square 93x93 mm or circle 90 mm diameter
Atypical tray shape for extra charge. Do not hesitate to write or call.

Promotional printing:

Offset printing 1/1 (front and back in 1 colour) or 2/0 (front in 2 colours)
Possibility of printing varnish on the tray.
Printing lacquer on the tray increases the abrasion resistance of the tray, the lacquer is matt, almost not visible, does not reduce the absorbency of the tray.

Minimum order is 100 pcs.



Amount in package: 100pcs, 200pcs, 300pcs, 500pcs, 1000pcs, 3000pcs, 5000pcs, 10000pcs

Print: 1 colour, 2 colours, included in the price

Shape: square, circle

Amount in package: 100pcs, 200pcs, 300pcs, 500pcs, 1000pcs, 3000pcs, 5000pcs, 10000pcs

Print: 1 colour, 2 colours, included in the price

Shape: square, circle

Beer coasters with custom printing 1/1 , 2/0 200ks Beer coasters with custom printing 1/1 , 2/0 200ks
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