3pcs set of coffee biscuit CARAMELIZED, 15g, Lotus style - 1000ks

3pcs set of coffee biscuit CARAMELIZED, 15g, Lotus style - 1000ks

3 pcs Coffee CARAMELIZED BISKVIT, 15G, with direct cookie promotion print, is a delicious and crispy biscuit that is the perfect accompaniment to your favourite coffee. The promotional coffee biscuit is made from caramelised dough which gives it a subtle sweet taste and texture. There is possibility to add full coloer both side printed promotional flyer. More information

 3 - 4 týdny
42,180.60 including VAT
21 %
Catalog Number:

Set of 3pcs promotional coffee biscuits - CARAMELIZED BISKVIT 5g with custom printing

The individually imprinted coffee biscuit is a delicious and crispy biscuit that is the perfect accompaniment to your favourite coffee. The very tasty caramelised biscuit with custom advertising print is made from caramelised biscuit dough, which gives it an irresistible subtle sweet taste and texture.

The set of 3pcs promotional caramelised coffee biscuit, 15g in total, has a handy packaging that is great for maintaining the highest quality and freshness of promotional biscuits. The individually printed promotional coffee biscuit is suitable for anyone who enjoys a relaxing moment with a cup of coffee or tea.

This quality promotional coffee biscuit is made with quality ingredients and carefully seasoned to provide the perfect combination of caramel sweetness and crunch. The promotional printed coffee biscuit is suitable as a daytime treat, dessert or as an accompaniment to coffee, tea or hot chocolate.

Product details

Weight 15g ( 3 x 5 g)
Additional information Caramelised biscuit with advertising print, possibility to combine up to 4 print design
Minimum order 250 pcs sets
Price includes Digital printing of the biscuit, possibility of 3 designs
Full colour printing of the box including print preparation
Golden blistr for 3 biscuits
Transparent packaging
Shelf life 10 months
Advertising print Digital CMYK printing on biscuit
Full colour packing box printing 



Minimum order quantity is 250pcs.




Amount in package: 250pcs, 500pcs, 1000pcs

Print: 1 colour, 2 colours, 3 colours, full colour, included in the price

Amount in package: 250pcs, 500pcs, 1000pcs

Print: 1 colour, 2 colours, 3 colours, full colour, included in the price

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